Sunday, January 25, 2015


Excited by the fresh white stuff that fell locally (but curiously, not up North), we decided to make a quick hit of a local lost ski area we'd been eyeing in the offseason. A reasonable sub-alpine start had the our typical crew (and some recently made four legged friends) climbing shortly after morning's light.
Local = casual start.
Though it appeared someone beat us to the punch the day before, it still looked as if there were goods to be had. Plus, said someone was nice enough to break trail.

Beautiful day in the neighborhood.

Decent coverage and open glades brought about a few whoops from the crew, as we ran a few laps. Despite the lack of coverage and somewhat bony conditions, we came away unscathed, in need of nothing more than a drop or two of ptex to mend the wounds. Well worth it in my book!

Cotton challenged Ginger to a race.
Getting a few laps of the surprisingly light and fluffy pow has our stoke replenished, just in time for what might be the biggest snow in recent history.

Stay tuned...

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